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Home-Stay Weekend in Nakagawa Rice-Harvesting in the Fall 2007 |
2007年10月13日に開かれた稲刈りの様子です。 The following pictures were taken during the rice-harvesting on October 13, 2007. |
稲をかける「はって」用の竹を運搬中!(前日12日) Staff members carry the long bamboo poles for the “hatte” on which the harvested rice will be hung to dry. |
苦労しましたが「はって」の作製完了です。(前日12日) It was a lot of hard work, but the “hatte” was assembled the day before the harvest. |
主催者の国際交流事業企画運営委員会小泉委員長のあいさつです。 Mr. Koizumi, chairperson of the International Exchange Event Planning and Implementation Committee which sponsored the event, gives his greetings. |
参加者を前に藤田教育長のあいさつです。 Education Superintendent Fujita greets the participants. |
地元那珂川町のCTB(ケーブルテレビばとう)も取材に来ました。 Nakagawa Town’s local cable television station CTB came to shoot footage. |
開会式では外国人の自己紹介が行われました。 写真は前の那珂川町国際交流員だったアンディーの奥さんのスピーチです。 Foreign guest participants introduced themselves at the opening ceremony. Former Nakagawa Town CIR Andy and his wife are photographed during their speech. |
今年も増子さんの「稲刈りレクチャー」が行われました。 Mr. Mashiko gave his “rice harvesting lecture” this year, too. |
稲刈り開始! レクチャーどおり上手い具合に束ねられて満面の笑みです。 The harvest begins! A confident smile after skillfully bundling the rice just as she learned in the lecture. |
始まったばかりですからまだまだですよー! We’ve only just started… there’s still a lot more to go! |
稲刈りはこんな感じで行われました。 This gives you a feel for how the rice harvesting took place. |
2番目の「はって」製作中です。 The assembly of the second “hatte” in progress. |
ラストスパート! The home stretch! |
全員揃って、ハイ、ポーズ! Everyone’s together, now say “cheese”! |
写真ではよく分かりませんが、かなり大型の「ニジマス」です。 It may be hard to tell from this photo, but these are huge rainbow trout. |
長ーい「海苔巻きづくり」に挑戦です。 Trying our hands making a looooong norimaki seaweed and rice roll. |
増子さんによる「米節」が今年も披露されました。 Mr. Mashiko performed his Rice Song this year, too, explaining the importance of rice and the roots of the rice character. |
サムライのような上段の構えは「餅つき」に挑戦中のスコットです。 Here’s Scott, striking up a samurai pose as he takes on the challenge to pound the sticky rice into mochi rice cakes. |
界冒険者カードに書き込んで貰う子どもたち! 何国かの外国人のサインを集めるとプレゼントが貰えます。 Children get signatures on their World Adventurer Cards! The children received prizes for collecting the foreign guests signatures. |
今年もたくさんのご馳走が並びました。 Many wonderful delicacies were lined up on the table again this year. |
閉会式での外国人代表のあいさつです。 One of the foreign guests represents his peers in thanking everyone at the closing ceremony. |
ヴォランティア代表yassanのあいさつは英語だったかな? Did volunteer representative Yassan give his speech in English? |
Yassannちの「Fukushima Farm」から お土産の「こしひかり」が今年も配られました。 Koshihikari rice, a souvenir from Yassan’s “Fukushima Farm,” is given away to participants this year, too. |
稲刈りのあと「お茶会」が今年も開かれました。 Following the rice harvest, a Tea Ceremony is held again this year. |
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