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栃木県那珂川町では、国際交流事業の一つとして「ホ−ムステイ ウィークエンド
in 那珂川」が毎年開かれています。県内外の国際交流員、ALTや留学生が町内の家庭にホームステイしながら、春には「田植え」、秋には「稲刈り」を体験します。「田植え」や「稲刈り」には、地元の小・中学生も参加し、作業終了後はボランティアの方々の心づくしの料理に舌鼓を打ちます。 そんな楽しい様子をみなさんにも味わっていただこうと、特集しました。どうぞお楽しみください。 As part of its International Exchange Program, Nakagawamachi organizes a rice planting and a rice harvesting home-stay weekend. Each year, about 20 foreigners (ALTs, CIRs and Overseas students) living in Japan, participate in these home-stay weekends. The participants are paired with a host family from Nakagawa. The rice-planting home-stay weekend takes place in the spring and the rice-harvesting home-stay in the fall. Elementary and junior high school students from Nakagawamachi take part in the rice-harvesting and rice-planting. After the harvesting or planting is finished, a sumptuous feast is served for lunch and the party begins. The traditional Japanese dishes served are made by many volunteers from Nakagawamachi. The rich exchanges between Nakagawa townspeople and foreigners are memorable for all. So I hope you enjoy this website! |